I made flowers bloom on Easter Sunday
For the nuns at the house of Sister Mary
Though they tried to save my soul, I just kept on digging holes
They might still be praying for me today
I remember the day they put Cathy away
36 years old and barely hanging on
And by the time she passed away the lawyers had taken everything
Except a couple of grand I put away for our son
There might be a place for me in heaven where sins are forgiven and a soul is free
There might be palace for me in heaven but there is no place left here for me
I guess you could say I have renounced worldly things
i don't know where I'll sleep tonight
But my children are all strong and I keep on keeping on
Its a good life. I have tried to live it right
There might be a place for me in heaven where sins are forgiven and a soul is free
There might be palace for me in heaven but there is no place left here for me